My weight loss tracker

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sorry I never update this sucker

Sorry i never update. I'm way lame. Oh but ps. I am now officially down 15 lbs as of this morning and I've lost almost 9% of my beginning body weight. that is tremendously cool!
I'm also second place right now in my biggest loser competition. This is the last week... but I see there being no chance of me winning because the person ahead of me is ahead of me by more than a whole percent.. and there is no way i'll lose 5 lbs this week... Haha

I should really be posting advice and tips because I've had so much weight loss success in the past 2 months, but  really all I got to say is calories in-calories out. It works. Try it. Eating low calorie and exercise and the best things that ever happened to my waist line. And the fabulous news is, I'm 2 lbs away from a healthy bmi. Yes, I'll be at the upper range of a healthy bmi, but there's no way I would stop there. I'm going ALL the way bay bay ;)

I can't wait to see what I weigh in another month 1/2.


Monday, December 6, 2010

down ten pounds..

I am down ten lbs...
and im getting a heart rate monitor for christmas...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Doing awesome

Im about 8 lbs down in a month and ever so pleased with myself. I'm a bit worried that I've hit a small plateu, but hopefully It's just sodium and water weight. (and leftover thanksgiving calories... good grief..Ya know? Well I'm hoping to be down to 150 by Christmas. I may not be able to hit that, but it sure wouldn't hurt my feelings.
I've been running 5 miles at least 3 days a week and it's really been helping. running must really be that calorie scorcher for me. who knows? Anyway, Lately this is what I've been lusting after:

I so desperately want a calorie tracking heart rate monitor. It would make my life so stinking much easier...
At least it would counting calories so much stinking easier, because as easy as it is to track food, the best tracker of calories burned is an estimation... and I just dont know how to feel about that. I've heard that even though the cheaper versions of these watches arent super accurate, if you are willing to put the money into a really nice one, they are worth every single cent.

I am also in this contest with some people in the weight loss community from now until Christmas called "trimming the tree, and trimming me" Basically its a biggest loser type competition where we all take pictures of us standing on the scale every week and whoever has the biggest weight loss percentage wins and everyone owes that person like 10 dollars or something like that. Weigh ins are every sunday until the day after Christmas, our final weigh in. YEAH. I honestly don't think I will win though, because I have the least weight to lose out of everyone in the group except one person who weighs like 5 lbs less than me.. ANYWAY even though it's done by percentage, I don't think I can win. I think I will lose some weight, heck hopefully another 8 lbs (I wouldn't mind that one bit) but probably not win. It'll be fun motivation through the holidays to keep me on track with healthy eating. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Im doing so stinking good

So I havent been trying hard enough to lose weight, but I finally REALLY started counting calories and such. According to my website i've been using, i'm on track to lose plenty of weight. awesome. hopefully this is the thing to push me over the edge weight loss wise. I've been doing great with my fitness, in fact i did a TON of running and walking today and burned a buttload of calories, but with my calorie counting too, maybe i shall finally succeed at looking like I own the world. yeah. you heard me. I OWN it.
No but wouldnt it be awesome for me to look like this:
okay not the face and hair but being thin, and obviously fit

Yeah, this is what I am working for... before twenty three please please please. I'd settle for 22 too... haha

Monday, November 1, 2010

New Tool

So I'm already pretty healthy, but it's time for me to get serious about this weight loss thing. I can make excuses about it being around halloween, and half of my friends birthdays and blah blah blah but noone wants to hear it. IT's time to get back on track. This is the time.

Im trying out because I heard it is fantastic, but we will have to see how I really feel about it.
I'll write more later.

wish me luck. Imma go burn some serious calories

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

No nap for me

So earlier today I said I would take a nap. But......

I bucked up and worked out instead.

And I feel EXHAUSTED. I only worked out for the time period between when I last wrote and now, but I did some hardcore calisthenics.

I did 50 burpies, and may I say, I had forgotten how hard they actually are. I did them in sets of 10 rather than all at once, and if I think I can handle it in about a half hour, I might do some more. 50 more.... haha
I saw a tutorial on burpies online the other day where after you jump out you bring your knee in on each side. I think even being in shape as I am trying to be right now, that would be a real challenge for me.

I also did a few sets of squats and lunges, as well as sit ups and attempted pushups. I really need more upper body strength. In my life there have been alot of things I have a hard time with physically. Flexibility in my hips, pushups, and pullups being some of those. Last year when I took a hardcore ballet class everyday, I got to the point where I did the splits for the FIRST time in my entire life. I was only able to do them with my right leg forward, but to me it was a really triumphant moment. I wasn't even close to that flexible as a kid, and I did it as a 20-21 year old. I don't ever have any issue with plank abs or "girl" pushups, but I can never do a full pushup. You know... with legs out... chest an inch from the ground pushups. Even with my Dd boobs I still cant do it. So that is for sure one of my goals I want to reach this year. Be able to do a somewhat ...larger... amount of pushups PROPERLY.

Any suggestions?
Has anyone ever tried the "perfect pushup"? I've been tempted to see if those make them harder or easier. especially since part of my pushup problem revolves around my wrists. Any suggestions would not hurt my feelings.

I am really ...spacey and distracted right now, so if either of my blog posts today don't make a terrible lot of sense, I apologize, and hope I wont be this way next time. I was washing my face a couple minutes ago and I couldn't bend over the sink without my legs shaking like crazy. I'm guessing that's a sign that I got a really good leg workout.

I think I am done working out for today. As far as strength training and the like. Sometimes I wonder how much training it really does take to have the "personal trainer physique" I dream about at night. I know alot of it comes down to eating a really strict diet, which I'm working on little by little, but it does make me wonder how many hours a day a personal trainer exercises for. Imma google that right now..... dum dee dum dum dum.....couldnt find it.

Oh well. I got distracted watching a few workout vids on youtube..silly me :)

Well I gotta go. Love you long time

been a couple days

Haven't posted for a few days. Sorry. I've been busy.

So i've still been really good about getting in good workouts everyday but here is my annoyance today. ACTUALLY there are 3 today. Haha

1. My rebounder is breaking! I thought it was a good quality one, but the elastic straps are tearing. I'm going to have to get a new one with springs...

2. I am so stinking tired. I dont know if I could do much of a workout today. Seriously, it's noon...I work at three... and I am seriously half tempted to take a nap before work. I am SOOOO tired.

3. It SNOWED. I am so freaking mad about this. It I dont believe in snow... grr Anyway, if there were not snow outside, I'd probably try and go for a run.. but no. I'll have to get a workout in some other way today... If only I knew how. I could do calisthenics. I mean I do have a standing job which means I'd be walking for 6 + hours and could get away with skipping the cardio.... But I'd feel bad if I had zero workout. I'm thinking that I'll take a quick 15 minute nap and then do some squats and lunges and such. You know, work on my booty. Then abs.... maybe some burpies... those are good for the body... and arms... yeah... JUST NEED SOME MOTIVATION. I dont feel it coming. I hate hate hate to admit it, but today might be the day I skip my workout. And I probably wouldnt beat myself up about it either... I'll see how I feel after my nap I suppose.

Anyway, it's not really related to fitness or nutrition, but I made an oatmeal face mask the other day, and by golly my face feels awesome! My skin gets really..;.breaky outy when the seasons change, and this is the best homemade mask i've found yet. a little oatmeal, water, and egg white, and honey. AWESOME

I'll write more later. I need my nap
